Our Innovation Plans

Overarching Theme:

Using engaging examples and learning methods to allow students to apply their conceptual understand to real-world scenarios.


To make learning more efficient and easier to absorb for students, make parents feel comfortable with their children’s stress managements, and reducing potential bias among staff in the education sector.


Innovation 1: Augmented Reality

Augmented reality allows people to apply their learning from school into real life situations, by allowing them to envision their learning in real life.

Innovation 2: E.D.I.S

Using AI to find education gaps, and to find learning styles for each student. Then with this information, a curriculum can be made either for individual students or for the entire class that uses how the students learn the best to create engaging learning to eliminate gaps in understanding.

Innovation 3: WOIS Career Information System

Career Guidance allows students to get a boost in learning by finding their interests and careers faster, increasing study time by removing the time to search for possible careers. This connects to the theme by helping students learn about their jobs and practice through outside learning.

Innovation 4: Biological Animated Studios

Info by Santoshi

Innovation 5: DCL (Digital Content Library)

Info by Gavin

Patrick’s Innovation Name

Info by Patrick

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